Please note our new telephone numbers: Russ Hardenburgh 1480 Fredricksburg Drive Youngstown, OH 44512 Our Phone Numbers are: Voice: 216 726-4217 Fax: 216 726-3595 FAX not open yet (soon) 2400 baud: 216 726-2620 HST: 216 726-1804 Not for Dual Standards HSTs ONLY! V32 216 726-2620 Dual Standards use this line only!! Compucoms 216 726-3584 Hayes V-series 216 726-3619 02/26/93 We're back, we have done our very best to put back as much of the system as we possibly could, we feel we have done pretty well keeping about the last year of files. We hope you all like it. Please report any problems you have with the system, we need to work out the bugs. What can you do to help? 1. Please upload new files, we need your uploads so that we can continue to be the very best place to get new files. 2. We have done our very best to make sure their are no commercial files on line, if you should find one or suspect one please leave us a message or call us voice, our new number is 216 726- 4217, so that we can remove it. 3. Download a file called R&E-IS.BAC and upload it to every BBS you can, also post it in every message base you can so our callers will know we are back on line and need their help. 4. Send money!! New callers please join our system, you will find us a good reliable source of enjoyment. Read bulletin #1 Old callers, please renew now, even if you are not due yet, we need your help now. Buy the modems and other hardware we sell, we sell the best and we need the money at this time to rebuild the system. In addition we are asking that all of you that can and want to help us in our hour of need send donations to help us rebuild this system. Our address is printed in bulletin #5 or simply use script #1 and when it asks how much be sure and indicate this is an extra donation, Edie and I will always remember your kindness. You all know us and know we will do the very best we possibly can to make Rusty n Edie's a fun place to visit, we remain "The Friendliest BBS in the World." .......Rusty n Edie too!!